Curriculum Vitae
Nikolay Diansky was born in USSR on the 17th February, 1960. He received his M.Sc. in Physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1983. Then he worked as researcher at the State Oceanographic Institute (SOI), Moscow from 1983 till 1991. He received his Ph.D. degree in Physics and Mathematics in 1993 with a thesis “Diagnose and modeling of interseasonal variability of sea surface temperature anomalies in North Atlantic” at the Institute for Numerical Mathematics (INM) of Russian Academy of Sciences where he has held positions since 1991. In 2007, Nikolay Diansky defended doctoral dissertation “Ocean circulation modeling and investigation of its response to short- and long-period atmospheric forcing”. His primary responsibilities are as leading researcher at INM. He also works as a leading researcher part time at the SOI.
His main research interest includes development of ocean general circulation model (Danabasoglu et al., 2014; Gusev and Diansky, 2014) and coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model (Volodin et al. 2013), investigations of ocean-atmosphere interactions (Tolstykh et al., 2014), high resolution ocean modeling (Diansky et al., 2012), Arctic Ocean circulation (Johnson et al., 2012), Black Sea circulation (Dianskii et al. 2013, Zalesny et al., 2012).
Nikolay Diansky is responsible person for ocean component of Russian IPCC climate system models INMCM3.0 (CMIP3, IPCC-AR4) and INMCM4.0 (CMIP5, IPCC-AR5). This General Circulation Ocean Model is based on special version of the Institute of Numerical Mathematics Ocean Model (INMOM).
The h-index for 2015: Web of Sciences – 12, Scopus – 11
S.M. Downes, R. Farneti, P. Uotila, S.M. Griffies, S.J. Marsland, D. Bailey, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. B?ning, A. Bozec, V.M. Canuto, E. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, N. Diansky, H. Drange, P.G. Fogli, A. Gusev, A. Howard, M. Ilicak, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W.G. Large, A. Leboissetier, M. Long, J. Lu, S. Masina, A. Mishra, A. Navarra, A.J.G. Nurser, L. Patara, B.L. Samuels, D. Sidorenko, P. Spence, H. Tsujino, Q. Wang, S.G. Yeager. An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea ice during 1988–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling (2015), 94, 67–94
R. Farneti, S.M. Downes, S.M. Griffies, S.J. Marsland, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Boning, A. Bozec, V.M. Canuto, E. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, N.A. Diansky, H. Drange, P.G. Fogli, A.V. Gusev, R.W. Hallberg, A. Howard, M. Ilicak, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W.G. Large, A. Leboissetier, M. Long, J. Lu, S. Masina, A. Mishra, A. Navarra, A.J.G. Nurser, L. Patara, B.L. Samuels, D. Sidorenko, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, Q. Wang, S.G. Yeager. An assessment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation during 1958–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations, Ocean Modelling (2015), 93, 84-120.
N. Diansky, V. Fomin, I. Kabatchenko, G. Litvinenko, A. Gusev. Assessing the impact of the planned approach channel to the Seaport Sabetta on salinity changes in the Gulf of Ob. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions June 14-18, 2015. Trondheim, Norway.
Danabasoglu, G., S. G. Yeager, D. Bailey, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Boning, A. Bozec, V. Canuto, C. Cassou, E. Chassignet, A. C. Coward, S. Danilov, N. Diansky, H. Drange, R. Farneti, E. Fernandez, P. G. Fogli, G. Forget, Y. Fujii, S. M. Griffies, A. Gusev, P. Heimbach, A. Howard, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W. G. Large, A. Leboissetier, J. Lu, G. Madec, S. J. Marsland, S. Masina, A. Navarra, A. J. G. Nurser, A. Pirani, D. Salas y Melia, B. L. Samuels, M. Scheinert, D. Sidorenko, A.-M. Treguier, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, and Q. Wang, 2014: North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: Mean states. Ocean Modelling, 73, 76-107.
Johnson Ì., Proshutinsky A., Aksenov Ye., Nguyen A. T., Lindsay R., Haas C., Zhang J., Diansky N., Kwok R., Maslowski W., H?kkinen S., Ashik I. and Cuevas B. Evaluation of Arctic sea ice thickness simulated by Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project models, J. Geophys. Res., 2012. 117, C00D13, doi:10.1029/2011JC007257.
Zalesny V.Â., N. À. Diansky, Fomin V.V., S. N. Moshonêin, S.G. Demyshev. Numerical model of the circulation of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling. 27(1), 2012. P. 95-111.
Moshonkin S.N., G.V. Alekseev, A.V. Bagno, A.V. Gusev, N.A. Diansky, V.B. Zalesny Numerical simulation of the North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean-Bering Sea circulation in the 20th century // Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modeling. 2011. V. 26, N. 2, P. 161–178.
Dianskii N.A., Galin V.Ya., Gusev A.V., Smyshlyaev S.P., Volodin E.M., Iakovlev N.G. The model of the Earth system developed at the INM RAS. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling. V. 25, N. 5, P. 419–429, ISSN (Online) 1569-3988, ISSN (Print) 0927-6467, 2010.
Zalesny V.B., Marchuk G.I., Agoshkov V.I., Gusev F.V., Diansky N.A., Volodin E.M., Tamsalu R. Numerical modeling of the large-scale ocean circulation on the base of multicomponent splitting method. . Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modeling. V. 25, ¹ 6. P. 581-609, 2010.
Moshonkin S.N., Gusev A.V., Diansky N.A., Filyushkin B.N. Numerical Modelling of Mediterranean Water Inflow into the Atlantic.// Fluxes and Structures in Fluids. Moscow. 2008. P. 160 – 165. Institute for Problem in Mechanics of the RAS; M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; Russian State Hydrometeorological University. Edited by: Y.D.Chashechkin, V.G. Baydulov.
Meehl G.A., Stocker T.F., ..., Diansky N.A., …, Volodin E.M.,... Global climate projections. In: Climate change 2007. IPPC Assessment Report 4. The physical science basis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.748-845.
Moshonkin S.N., Bagno A.V., Gusev A.V., and Diansky N.A. Numerical modelling of oceanic circulation and sea ice in the North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean-Bering Sea region // Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling. 2006, V. 21, No. 4. P. 421-443.
Dianskii N.A., Zalesny V.B., Moshonkin S.N., and Rusakov A.S. High Resolution Modeling of the Monsoon Circulation in the Indian Ocean. 2006. Oceanology 46 (5), 608–628.
Marchuk G.I., Rusakov A.S., Zalesny V.B., Diansky N.A. Splitting Numerical Technique with Application to the High Resolution Simulation of the Indian Ocean Circulation // Pure appl. geophys. 2005. V. 162. P. 1407–1429.
Moshonkin S.N., Diansky N.A. Upper mixed layer temperature anomalies at the North Atlantics storm-track zone // Ann. Geophisicae. 1995. V. 13. P. 1015-1026.
Panin G.N., Diansky N.A. Climatic Variations in the Arctic, North Atlantic, and the Northern Sea Route., Doklady Earth Sciences, 2015, Vol. 462, Part 1, pp. 505–509. ISSN 1028-334X.
Diansky N.A., Fomin V.V., Kabatchenko I.M., and Gruzinov V.M. Simulation of circulation of Kara and Pechora seas using operative diagnose and forecasting system of sea dynamic. Journal "The Arctic: Ecology and Economics". 2014. No. 1(13). P. 57-73.
D.V. Stepanov, N.A. Diansky, V.V. Novotryasov. Numerical simulation of water circulation in the central part of the Sea of Japan and study of its long-term variability in 1958–2006. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 73-84.
A.V. Gusev and N.A. Diansky. Numerical simulation of the World ocean circulation and its climatic variability for 1948–2007 using the INMOM. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 3–15.
M.A Tolstykh, N.A. Diansky, A.V. Gusev, and D.B. Kiktev. Simulation of Seasonal Anomalies of Atmospheric Circulation Using Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 111–121.
G. N. Panin and N. A. Diansky. On the Correlation between Oscillations of the Caspian Sea Level and the North Atlantic Climate. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2014. Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 266-277.
Diansky N.A. Modelling of ocean circulation and investigation of its response to short- and long-period atmospheric forcing. M. PhysMathLit. 2013. 272 p.
N.A. Diansky, V.V. Fomin, N.V. Zhokhova, A.N. Korshenko. Simulations of currents and pollution transport in the coastal waters of Big Sochi. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2013, Vol 49, No. 6, pp 611-621.
E.M. Volodin, N.A. Diansky, and A.V. Gusev. Simulation and Prediction of Climate Changes in the 19th to 21st Centuries with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Model of the Earth’s Climate System. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2013, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 347–366.
V.A. Gorchakov, V.A. Ryabchenko, N.A. Diansky, and A.V. Gusev. Modelling the seasonal variability of marine ecosystem in the region of the Central-Eastern Atlantic. Oceanology, 2012, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 322–334.
N.A. Dianskii, A.V. Gusev, and V.V. Fomin. The Specific Features of Pollution Spread in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2012, V. 48, No. 2, P. 222–240.
S.N. Moshonkin, G.V. Alekseev, N.A. Dianskii, A.V. Gusev, and V.B. Zalesny. Reproduction of the LargeScale State of Water and Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean in 1948–2002: Part I. Numerical Model. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2011, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 628–641.
Volodin E.M., N.A. Dianskii, A.V. Gusev. Simulating Present-Day Climate with the INMCM4.0 Coupled Model of the Atmospheric and Oceanic General Circulations. Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2010. V. 46, No. 4. P. 414–431.
Anisimov M. V. and Diansky N. A. Physical Mechanism of the Westward Drift of the Frontal Current Rings in the Ocean. Oceanology, 2008, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 325–332.
N. A. Dianskii, A. V. Bagno, and V. B. Zalesny, “Sigma-Model for Global Ocean Circulation and Its Sensitivity to Variations in Wind Friction Stresses,” Izv. AN. Fiz. Atm. i Okeana 38 (4), 537–556 (2002).
Dianskii N. A. Spatiotemporal Patterns between the Coupled Models of 500-mb Geopotrntial Height and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Wintertime North Atlantic. Izvestiya. Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 1998. V. 34, N. 2. P. 197–213.
Moshonkin S.N., Diansky N.A. Upper mixed layer temperature anomalies at the North Atlantics storm-track zone // Ann. Geophisicae. 1995. V. 13. P. 1015-1026.