Оселедец Иван Валерьевич

Старший научный сотрудник ИВМ, к.ф.-м.н., выпускник базовой кафедры ММФП МФТИ (Личная страница)


Оселедец Иван Валерьевич

Козлов Валерий Васильевич вручает Золотую медаль и диплом РАН Оселедцу Ивану Валерьевичу

 Золотая медаль за лучшую научную работу конкурса РАН для студентов ВУЗов России

Золотая медаль РАН за лучшую научную работу 2005 года по математике среди студентов присуждена И.В. Оселедцу за цикл работ  "Эффективные методы для больших матриц на основе тензорных аппроксимаций и вейвлет-преобразований на неравномерных сетках'':

Основные публикации

Fast simultaneous orthogonal reduction to triangular matrices

I.V. Oseledets; D.V. Savostyanov; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov (April 4, 2008)

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Keywords: Simultaneous reduction, diagonalization, Schur decomposition

Categories: Uncategorized

Optimal Karatsuba-like formulae for certain bilinear forms in GF(2)

I.V. Oseledets (March 20, 2008)

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Keywords: Optimal algorithms, trilinear decomposition

Categories: Uncategorized

Integral operator with logarithmic kernel has only one positive eigenvalue

I.V. Oseledets (April 23, 2007)

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Keywords: Logarithmic kernel, positive eigenvalue

Categories: Uncategorized

Tensor properties of multilevel Toeplitz and related matrices

V. Olshevsky; I.V. Oseledets; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov (October 5, 2006)

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Keywords: Multilevel matrices, Toeplitz matrices, tensor approximation, asymptotically smooth functions, fast inversion

Categories: Uncategorized

Tucker dimensionality reduction of three-dimensional arrays in linear time

I.V. Oseledets; D.V. Savostyanov; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov (November 7, 2006)

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Keywords: Tucker decomposition, skeleton decomposition, cross approximation, superfast algorithm, data compression

Categories: Uncategorized

Lower bounds for separable approximations of the Hilbert kernel

I.V. Oseledets (May 5, 2007)

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Keywords: Hilbert kernel, skeleton decomposition, lower bounds, Zolotarev function, elliptic functions

Categories: Uncategorized

Superfast inversion of two-level Toeplitz matrices using Newton iteration and tensor-displacement structure

I.V. Oseledets; V. Olshevsky; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov (September 8, 2007)

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Keywords: Superfast algorithm, Newton iteration, approximate methods, Toeplitz matrices, displacement structure

Categories: Uncategorized

A unifying approach to the construction of circulant preconditioner

I.V. Oseledets; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov (January 1, 2007)

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Details: Linear Algebra Appl

Keywords: best circulant preconditioners, black dot algorithms, Toeplitz matrices

Categories: Uncategorized

On the approximation of Toeplitz matrices by a sum of circulant and low rank matrix

I.V. Oseledets; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov; N.L. Zamarashkin (August 8, 2006)

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Keywords: Low rank corrections, circulant matrices, Toeplitz matrices

Categories: Uncategorized

Matrix-inversion cases with size-independent tensor rank estimates

I.V. Oseledets; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov; N.L. Zamarashkin (March 17, 2008)

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Keywords: Tensor rank; Inverse matrices; Rank estimates

Categories: Uncategorized

Use of divided differences and B-splines for constructing fast discrete transforms of wavelet type on nonuniform grids

I.V. Oseledets (June 12, 2008)

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Details: Math. Notes, 2005(77), pp. 743-752

Keywords: Wavelets

Categories: Uncategorized

Improved n-term Karatsuba-like formulae in GF(2)

I.V. Oseledets (June 18, 2008)

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Details: Submitted to IEEE Trans Computers

Keywords: Optimal polynomial multiplication

Categories: Uncategorized

Linear algebra for tensor problems

I.V. Oseledets; D.V. Savostyanov; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov (June 30, 2008)

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Details: Submitted to Computing

Keywords: Multidimensional arrays; Tucker decomposition; low rank approximations

Categories: Uncategorized

Minimization methods for approximating tensors and their comparison

I.V. Oseledets; D.V. Savostianov (October 9, 2008)

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Details: Three standard optimization methods (ALS, Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquadt) are applied to the problem of tensor approximation and are compared.

Keywords: Tensor approximation, trilinear decomposition, PARAFAC

Categories: Uncategorized

How to find a good submatrix

S.A. Goreinov; I.V. Oseledets; D.V. Savostyanov; E.E. Tyrtyshnikov; N.L. Zamarashkin (October 17, 2008)

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Details: A maxvol algorithm is described for the computation of the "most nonsingular submatrix". This submatrix plays a key role in low rank approximation.

Keywords: Maximum volume; Low-rank approximations; Global optimization

Categories: Uncategorized