16.09.2005  10:00-10:30  <<   ^   >> 
Guri Marchuk

Honorary Director of  Institute of Numerical Mathematics,
the Academician Guri Marchuk

"Yuri Kuznetsov was my student and postgraduate..."

The chairman: the Academician Valentin Dymnikov,
 the Director of INM RAS

  The honorable person: Yuri Kuznetsov

Dear friends:

I would like to say a few words about our honorable Yuri Alexeevich Kuznetsov. He held the position of the head of laboratory in the INM RAS and is a prominent scientist with expertise in computational mathematics and its application to mathematical modeling and design automation, an author of more than a 100 of scientific publications, including several monographs.

Yuri Kuznetsov’s contribution is enormous in the field of numerical solution of PDEs by the method of meshes and the related problems of linear algebra with large sparse matrices. His works are characterized by a good combination of sound theoretical analysis and a comprehensive implementation of the numerical methods on modern computers. The methods developed by Yuri Alexeevich have enjoyed wide application to solving key problems in electrodynamics, mechanics, and nuclear physics.

Yuri Kuznetsov developed a theory of convergence for iteration methods in subspaces and optimization techniques on the basis of methods of conjugate directions, proposed advanced and well-justified algorithms for the solution of linear systems and spectral problems based on domain decomposition and methods of fictitious domains. Also, he proposed fundamentally new approaches to the application of implicit difference schemes and developed new efficient direct methods for problems of separable variables.

Based on algebraic multi-step domain decomposition methods, new approaches were developed for a series of complex 3D problems in physics and mechanics. These methods were designed for their efficient implementation on parallel computers of distinct architectures, first and foremost, in pipeline and multi-processor systems.

Yuri Kuznetsov contributed essentially to the development of numerical software and computer graphics, with their application to mathematical modeling and design automation. It was under his supervision that in our country appeared the first ever multi-level system of computer graphics, implemented later on all major types of home-made computers. For his productive and advanced works in this field, Yuri Kuznetsov was awarded with a Lenin Komsomol Prize and a state order of Honor Mark.

Yuri Alexeevich Kuznetsov has always been engaged in extensive teaching activities. He was the deputy head of the chair of mathematical modeling of physical processes of MIPT. Among his pupils, there are 4 doctors and 23 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences. He has repeatedly been invited to lecture in many universities abroad: in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Japan, Great Britain, Italy, USA, France, Sweden, and in other countries. He has attended a great number of scientific conferences and workshops, and was invited to be a key speaker in the section of numerical methods of the International Congress of Mathematicians held at Warsaw in 1983.

Yuri Kuznetsov is the deputy chief editor of the Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling printed in the Netherlands, as well as a member of the Editorial Board of the journals Numerische Mathematik, Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications, and others.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Yuri Kuznetsov was my student and postgraduate, and as early as in the course of his educational studies, he has succeeded in writing a series of excellent works in computational mathematics. Then, he was engaged in the collaboration with French scientists set up jointly by Jacque-Louis Lions and me. Within the framework of this project there were many interesting publications, including the following two books:
which pointed the way for the development of computing-related fields in our countries relying on this project.

On defending his brilliant dissertations, both candidate and doctoral, Yuri Kuznetsov had become a prominent scientist in computational mathematics and informatics. His further studies have been conducted in the University of Houston, where he was invited to take the position of a professor. This stage of his activities will hopefully be addressed by other participants of this conference. We are very proud of Yuri Alexeevich Kuznetsov, an extremely gifted and energetic researcher and science organizer. Let us wish our dear Yuri Alexeevich further successes in his scientific activities and wait for new achievements.
        Thank you for your attention.

        Guri Marchuk

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