This issue of the Journal is
dedicated to the 60th birthday of Yuri A.
Kuznetsov, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the M.D.Anderson Chair Professor
at the Department of Mathematics, University of Houston. Yuri Kuznetsov
is an outstanding Russian scientist in the area of numerical
mathematics and applications. He is one of the founders of this journal
and its permanent managing editor.
Yuri Kuznetsov was born in the small village Shuksha of Penza region on
August 7, 1945. He graduated from a high school in 1962 and the same
year joined the Faculty of Physics of the newly created Novosibirsk
State University. He graduated from the University in 1967 and in 1969
defended his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of G.I.Marchuk, who is
a world-known scientist famous for
his contribution to applied and computational mathematics. In this
thesis Yu.Kuznetsov developed the theory of iterative methods in
subspaces. In particular, he proposed and investigated the multistep
iterative method based on the minimization of quadratic functionals,
known currently as the generalized minimal residual method. In 1972,
Yu.Kuznetsov jointly with G.Marchuk authored the book `Iterative methods and quadratic functionals'
which was translated into French and published in France in 1974. In
recognition of his contribution to the theory of iterative methods as
well as to the development of fictitious domain and domain
decomposition methods, Prof. Yu.Kuznetsov was invited to deliver a
plenary lecture at the
section of numerical analysis of the International Congress of
Mathematicians in 1983.
In 1978-1997, Prof. Kuznetsov's activities were concentrated on the
development and investigation of new numerical technologies based on
fictitious domain, domain decomposition, algebraic multigrid/multilevel
substructuring methods, and their combinations for efficient numerical
solution of partial differential equations.
In 1997, Yuri Kuznetsov accepted the invitation to join the Department
of Mathematics at the University of Houston. The invitation was
initiated by the famous applied and computational mathematician Roland
Glowinski. At the same time, he has remained an active member of the
Institute of Numerical Mathematics in Moscow, participating in various
research and applied projects. In 2000, Yuri Kuznetsov was awarded the
M.D.Anderson Chair Professorship at the University of Houston. His
current research is concerned with the development and investigation of
new discretization methods and preconditioned iterative methods for
numerical solution of partial differential equations with applications
to geophysical and energy related research.
Yuri Kuznetsov is a renowned teacher. More than twenty five Ph.D.
thesis have been defended under his supervision. His former students
successfully work in universities, research laboratories, and industry
in Russia, USA, Germany, Finland, and several other countries.
Prof. Kuznetsov's contribution to the international cooperation in
computational and applied mathematics is difficult to overestimate. He
strengthened existing links and created a number of new cooperative
research projects between Russian scientists and scientists in France,
USA, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, etc. He created
the East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics known currently as the
Journal of Numerical Mathematics. In 1995, he and his colleagues in
France, Germany, and Italy established the series of biannual European
conferences on numerical mathematics and its advanced applications,
known as ENUMATH conferences. Yuri Kuznetsov is a member of editorial
boards of five
leading journals on computational and applied mathematics, a member of
programme committees of several international conferences.
The editorial board of the Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and
Mathematical Modelling congratulates Yuri Kuznetsov on the occasion of
his 60th anniversary and wishes him good health and continued success
in his further research activities.
Editorial Board