The lake model of SRCC MSU



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The lake model of SRCC MSU


The lake model of SRCC MSU is one-dimensional model describing thermodynamical processes (and some of relevant dynamical ones) in water reservoir and in the ground beneath. All the prognostic variables are assumed to be dependent only on depth and time, or only on time (e.g. lake depth). In framework of such one-dimensional approach the problem of computing the state of water body is much easier, than if full three-dimensional model is applied. Therefore we recommend to use LAKE model in those studies, in which it is important to save time of calculations, and it is reasonable to neglect the horizontal variability of parameters, considered by the model.


In the zip-file below there is the source Fortran-code of the lake model and the executable file. It contains the input files with forcing data as well. The forcing is the time series of meteorological parameters in the surface layer at the following locations:


1) Yakutsk (Russia, Eastern Siberia) - the series of measurements at the standard synoptic station, extracted from the archive ndp048;

2) Vendiurskoe lake (Russia, Karalee) - the data available at;

3) Tiksi (Russia, the mouth of river Lena) - field measurements at the small and shallow lake obtained during GAME-Siberia project.


Using these files as input one can perform test runs of the LAKE model and compare the results with figures below. The configuration of any numerical experiment is defined in the file *_setup.dat in the folder /setup. The path to the configuration file is given in the file setup_file.dat


The data of the field observations of the lake state variables to be compared with model calculations is in the folder /measurements.


To run the model it is enough only to extract the archive and launch the exe-file. Although you may compile and create the executable from the source files, if you wish any modification of the latter.


Download the LAKE model and have fun!


If any problem or question, please, contact to Victor Stepanenko

(phone +7 (495) 939-23-53, E-mail:



Fig. 1. Time series of the surface temperature of the lake Vendiurskoe, 18-22 July 2003. Colored lines show the results of the two model runs using different parameterizations of turbulent fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer. Data of observations in the lake is from



Fig. 2. Time series of the surface temperature of the shallow lake near Tiksi (the mouth of Lena river), 1 - 30 July 1999. Data of observations in the lake is from the GAME-Siberia project database.



Fig. 3. Monthly mean vertical profile of the temperature in the Syrdakh lake, Yakutat, June 1977. Forcing is time series of meteorological station Yakutsk. Data of observations in the lake is from (Pavlov and Tishin, 1981)