April 2018 |
On Transformation into Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences
November 21, 1991
President of the Russian Federation,
Decree No. 228
On the Structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Instiute of Numerical Mathematics,
USSR Academy of Sciences
October 1, 1991
USSR Academy of Sciences,
Order No. 215
On Transformation of the Department of Numerical Mathematics into the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Department of Numerical Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences
May 29, 1980
Presidium, USSR Academy of Sciences,
Order No. 452
On Foundation of the Department of Numerical Mathematics of the USSR
Academy of Sciences
Department of Numerical Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences
March 27, 1980
Presidium, USSR Academy of Sciences,
Order No. 343
On Foundation of the Department of Numerical Mathematics as a
Scientific Research Institute at the USSR Academy of Sciences
The Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INM
RAS) acts in line with the current edition of the General Principles of the Structure
and Scientific Research of RAS Institutes. Academician Guri Marchuk is the founder
and director of INM RAS from 1980 to 2000 (the honorary director from 2000 to present).
The current director of INM RAS is Academician Valentin Dymnikov (from 2000 to present).
The research staff involves a total of 28 Dr.Sci. (including 3 Academicians and
2 Correspoding Member) and more than 30 Cand.Sci. The Institute of Numerical Mathematics is
a unique scientific research institution engaged in solving both fundamental and applied
problems of interdisciplinary character. Joining the efforts of leading scientists in
computational mathematics, atmospheric and oceanic physics, and mathematical
immunology is a top priority.
Computational Mathematics
Keywords: optimization, extremal polynomials, iterations, difference schemes, stiff systems, quadratures, advection and diffusion equations, laser impulse resonance, matrix iteration methods, spectral distributions, preconditioners, parallel computations, informational structure of algorithms, equivalent transformations of programs.
Mathematical Modeling and Parallel Computations
Keywords: Mathematical modeling, adjoint equations, numerical methods, optimization, photochemistry, biosphere, sensitivity, heath, immunity, ocean, sea, dynamics of ocean and atmosphere, circulation of ocean and atmosphere, climate, climate change, climatic predictability, model, boundary layer, hydrodynamics, parameterization, turbulence, computational methods, complex systems, environment, ecology, medicine, immunology, bioinformatics, parallel processing, parallel computing, cluster, multiprocessor supercomputer.
- appoximations on discontinous grids and iteration methods for solving
systems of grid equations for 3D problems of potential flow over complex bodies;
- theory of spectral distributions for structured matices;
- nonlinear
approximation methods for solving dense systems in problems with non-local linkage;
- methods
for constructing extremal polynomials with given properies and relevant high-efficiency methods for solving stiff problems of mathematical physics;
- a
unified approach to analyzing the structure of algorithms of computational mathematics for their adaptation to computers of different architecture, principles of software design for solving complex problems on parallel computers;
- new approaches to the application of adjoint equations in linear and nonlinear problems of mathematical physics and, on their basis, constructing a theory for the sensitivity of problem functionals and a theory of perturbations;
- foundations of a new direction in the theory of climate - the mathematical theory of climate;
- models of climate on the basis of a global model of atmospheric and oceanic general circulation of high spatial resolution;
- implementation of the model on modern parallel and pipeline computing systems;
- a set of mathematical models and methods for problems in environment and medicine (chemical transformation and transport of pollutants in the atmosphere, soil, and ocean;
- models for the evolution and behavior of viral, bacterial, and mixed infections, relation of demographic indicators with parameters of organisms and environmental factors: analyis and assimilation of data for space monitoring over the state of the biosphere.
programs of basic research of the Presidium and branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research;
federal and regional programs of the Federal Agency on Science and Innovations (formerly, Minpromnauki): "World Ocean", "Research on Priority Directions of Scientific and Technical Development", and "Multipurpose Long-Term Program of Scientific and Technical Collaboration Between Russian Federation and India";
grants for support of the scientific schools of academician Guri Marhuk, academician Valentin Dymnikov, academician Artem Sarkisyan, and professor Ivan Lifanov;
INTAS and ISTC projects.
- RAS and MAIK-Nauka Prize (1999);
- Russian State Prize on Science and Technology (2000);
- Annual RAS Prize after Academician V.E. Sokolov in Mathematics (2000);
- RFBR Prize for best scientific-popular paper (2000);
- Acadenician Lavrentev Prize of the Syberian Branch of RAS;
- the MAIK-Nauka Prize (2000 and 2004);
- Russian Governmental Prize on Science and Technology (2002);
- Chebyshev Gold Medal of RAS (2002);
- Gold Medal of RAS for Young Scientists (2002);
- Grants by the program "Prominent scientists, young doctors and candidates of sciences" of the charity foundation for the support of Russian science (2001-2004);
- Russian Governmental Prize on Education (2003);
- Lomonosov Big Gold Medal of RAS (2004);
- All-Russian Demidov Prize of the Demidov Scientific Foundation (2004).
- Order “For Services to Motherland” 2nd degree (2005)
- Russian Federation Honour Order (2005)
- Gold Medal of RAS for Young Scientists (2006)
- Russian Federation Honour Order (2007)
INM scientists are members of editorial boards of the following journals: Doklady RAN, Matematicheskii Sbornik, Zhurnal Vych. Mat. i Mat. Fiziki, Izv. RAN, Calcolo, J. Numer. Math., Linear Algebra and Applications, Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling;
INM scientists are members of editorial boards of the following scientific societies: Znanie (academician Marchuk), European Academy of Sciences (academicians Dymnikov and Marchuk), Scientific-Methodical Council on Mathematics at the Russian Ministry of Education, National Geophyisical Committee of Russia, American Mathematical Society, German Society of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, etc.;
- International collaboration with Bulgaria (within the framework of inter-academy accords), University of Lund (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences), University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), Indian Technological Institute of the Center for Atmospheric Reseach (New-Delhi, India), Institute of Marine Sciences of Hamburg University (Germany), l'Universite du Littoral Cote d'Opale (Dunkerque, France), Etonian Marine Institute (Tallinn, Estonia), Universities of Nancy and Grenoble (France) (within the framework of French-Russian Center on Applied Mathematics), India (within the framework of the Long-Term Joint Program of Collaboration beetwen Russia and India).